Reclaiming you and your own self-care

reconnect to the part of you that feels lost or forgotten

My early years as a stay-at-home mom were the hardest years for me, harder than the 12 hours I would put in daily at my corporate Silicon Valley job. Dealing with little humans who needed constant attention left little time (if any) for my own self-care. My little ones would even follow me into the bathroom, so even there, I had no time for myself.

Over those years, the structures of my life kept me bound to the needs of others, and I slowly and unknowingly disappeared.

Do you feel you have somehow disappeared too?

Are you finding it hard to communicate exactly how you feel or what you desire?

Are you overdoing or over giving because you feel guilty or selfish if and when you focus on you?

Your own self-care is one of the greatest acts of
love you can offer the world.

Self-care in the sense of a spa day or a fun girlfriend’s getaway is not what I’m talking about. There’s nothing wrong with them and they are wonderful to do.

But the self-care I’m talking about involves feeling seen and heard, fulfilled and nurtured at the deeper level.

The ability to identify and name your feelings and needs and using that clarity to communicate to others in a way that would allow for their fulfillment.

It’s a more empowered inner relationship with yourself and the capacity to engage with others from a deeper aspect of you that can feel safe to presence your needs.

It is time to make yourself a priority! And to cultivate choices, expectations, and behaviors that support you to be seen and heard….and to receive the deep care that you desire without you feeling guilty, selfish or too much.

This is real self-care!

Because your happiness and well-being will create an even more profound blessing for others!

As you connect more to your inner self, and access your inherent power and presence, you will not only be more deeply related to the people around you, but to all of life!

What to expect when you work with me:

  • A safe and loving space to be held for you to show up imperfectly with shared agreements…to explore, play, be curious and discover old and new perspectives, deeper meanings, and shifts in orientation to what is possible as well as the pathway to achieve your desired outcome.
  • A Client Questionnaire focused on your what you most desire to accomplish from our work together so that I may know more about you and to keep our calls laser focused.
  • A journal for recording your vision, insights, reflections and pathway for integration and embodiment of your growth. This is the game changer! Change is a process. Developing a new way of seeing and being is a muscle you build over and over. This journal will support you long after our work is done to keep you connected, committed, and focused, as well as to celebrate every step towards your vision and goal.
  • A mutual schedule to meet on zoom LIVE (or by phone) for FOUR 1-hour sessions  to work on your vision to have you break through your inner self-care barriers so that you will be able to:
    • Access your inner resources and unlock where your power is sourced.
    • Reconnect to the wise and loving part of you with empathy from a deeper, wider core so that you are supporting yourself to receive what you need.
    • Identify and name your feelings and needs with clarity so that they can be met.
    • Identify old as well as new patterns, habits, choices, and behaviors that will create a new context and framework for your self-care needs.
    • Engagement with experiential exercises and practices to quickly anchor and embody this new way of being.
    • Identify a future pathway to create lasting change that is aligned with your new vision.

Your Investment: $495

Schedule your complementary call today so that we can discuss whether this program is right for you.

I look forward to meeting you and to find out more if we can transform your self-care needs from the inside out.

Know someone who could benefit from this coaching package? (Wow, what a loving gift!)

I’m happy to send the offer as a gift from you.

Email me at